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Here’s an anecdote before I talk about the mission and importance of this community. Five years ago when I was starting out my tech journey in Nigeria, there was no structured way of learning how to code or design, there was no code bootcamps or physical learning platforms for people that want to learn how to code. Asides from the fact that there was no structured way of learning, the online courses available were so expensive for most of us so we had to teach each other, share free resources with each other and debug together. This was my first experience with a “community”, we learnt from each other and helped each other grow. Today a lot of us that were part of the community over the years have gone so far in our careers and we wouldn't have been able to achieve so much without the community. This is the importance of having a community of like-minded people supporting you and also helping you grow.

The Mission

Developer Relations has been a buzzing field in the tech ecosystem for a few years now. We’ve seen developer-focused tech companies hire a lot of developer relations people during the course of the pandemic just so that they keep in touch with their community of users. The importance of Developer Relations is very high and the pandemic made us understand that.

Although the demand for developer relations people has been high lately, we’ve seen very little demand and adoption from Africa, we’ve also seen a very small amount of developer relations professionals from Africa. This is where DevRel Community Africa comes in.

DevRel Community Africa is a non-profit community of developer relations experts and enthusiasts mainly from all the parts of Africa that exists to share the gospel of developer relations, help each other learn and grow as much as possible. The mission of this community is as follows:




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